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Determined To Be Extraordinary
Spectacular Stories Of Modern Women In STEM

Do you dream of a world where your daughter, niece, or student can picture herself as the next tech titan or science pioneer and not feel bound by societal expectations?

Tired of skimming through pages of STEM history and seeing the same old faces? Ready to discover the modern women redefining today’s scientific landscape?

Searching for mentors who look like you, think like you, and inspire you to push beyond your limits? Ready to be empowered by tales of women who are creating and catalyzing change?

Craving stories of fierce, boundary-shattering women who don’t just fit into the world of science and tech but define it?

Tired of asking if there’s space for you in STEM’s grand scheme? What if you discovered a world with girls just like you, who are already changing the game?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, know you are not alone.

About the Book

After reading children’s science books targeted at young girls, my 10-year-old and I were frustrated. Most of the women in the books were dead, so their stories were written by someone else, and the books were illustrated. Books of substance about contemporary female STEM role models do not exist.  A reviewer of a competitive book remarked: “If someone has a recommendation for a good book about women scientists, I’d love to hear it…” This book is the solution.

Twenty-seven inspiring women in STEM from around the world come together to tell their original, passionate stories describing their perseverance, spirit, brilliance, and personal growth through words and photographs. Sadly, books about modern women in science for young girls are history books. ‘Determined to be Extraordinary’ will motivate young girls to pursue STEM careers by presenting contemporary, real-life examples of successful women in STEM. The role models they are looking for are right here, right now!

Representation matters. Cultural stereotypes can discourage girls from considering STEM fields as viable career paths. Seeing successful women in STEM fields can inspire and motivate young girls to pursue STEM careers. When they see someone who looks like them achieving greatness, it reinforces the belief that they can do it, too. ‘Determined to be Extraordinary’ isn’t just a book – it’s an invitation. An invitation to be inspired, to dream bigger, and to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the phenomenal women shaping our future.

10 Things This Book Will Teach You

Learn how to…


Boost your bravery and confidence, inspiring you to pursue STEM careers. 


Develop career awareness and explore your interests and talents in STEM.


Draw valuable lessons from successful women who overcame challenges and persevered.


Find inner strength to overcome challenges beyond your control.


Reflect on personal challenges and apply the wisdom of others to your own life.


Discover real-life female STEM role models who have excelled in their fields.


Connect with the idea that science is a human endeavor, making it engaging and accessible.


Appreciate the diversity of women from various backgrounds in science and technology.


Navigate the evolving roles of men and women at home and in the workplace.


Be extraordinary in your STEM journey, inspired by the stories and lessons in this book.

... and much more.


Praise for Determined to be Extraordinary

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