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Leadership Coaching

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

- Socrates

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Praise for Dawn Heimer Leadership Coaching

My Vision and Mission

I strive to create a coaching experience that guides leaders to uncover the enthusiasm and momentum to do their best work without setting limits on their growth and success. I am guided by my core values of serving leaders as a whole person and holding them accountable for taking action and achieving results.

I will achieve this Vision through a deep understanding of what drives personal transformation by creating a trustful environment, active listening, powerful questioning, creating awareness, and tracking progress and accountability. I am committed to creating a coaching environment where leaders feel empowered to explore, learn, and evolve.

My Values, Passion, Purpose, Strengths

My Values

Taking Action, Generating Enthusiasm, Getting Results

My Passion

Create a Vision of the Future Without Limits

My Purpose

Serve leaders as a whole person, Create coaching environment where leaders can explore, learn, and evolve

My Strengths

Comfortable and confident in high-stakes, high-stress scenarios, Understand challenges with analytical thinkers, Experience working with leaders who feel marginalized

Exciting News!

I’m thrilled to share my contribution to the article, “Going from Team Member to Manager? A Few Words of Advice…,” is live in the “Careers Now” column by Kathleen Furore and the Tribune Content Agency! 🌟 In this piece, I offer practical tips and insights for those navigating the transition from being part of a team to leading one.

A big thank you to the amazing team at @TribuneContent and the fantastic writer Kathleen Furore for making this possible! Your support and collaboration are truly appreciated.  🙏

Check out the full article here: Going from Team Member to Manager: A Few Words of Advice

#Leadership #CareerAdvice #TeamManagement #NewManagers #ProfessionalGrowth #TribuneContentAgency #CareersNow #CareerTransition #KathleenFurore #LeadershipDevelopment #ManagerTips #modernwomeninstem #dawnheimer

Coaching Biography

Dawn Heimer Leadership Coach


Focused Experience:


Building on her career in top leadership roles at some of the world’s largest healthcare companies, Dawn carries a wealth of real-world experience. Her professional journey is defined by her enthusiasm for nurturing talent and guiding individuals toward their full potential. This includes leading and developing global teams, planning and executing functional staffing integrations post-mergers and acquisitions, and spearheading organizational growth and development in fast-paced, highly regulated, and detail-oriented fields.

Passion and Core Values

With a passion for leadership development and a commitment to excellence, Dawn has become a trusted advisor and coach. Her core values are Generating Enthusiasm for Change, Taking Action, and Getting Results. As a recent graduate of an International Coaching Federation (ICF)-Certified PCC Level coaching program, Dawn is equipped with contemporary methodologies and a deep understanding of what drives personal transformation.


Dawn excels in high-stakes, high-stress scenarios, understands the challenges of analytical thinkers, and has experience working with leaders who feel marginalized. Having navigated a demanding and high-pressure career in healthcare and biotechnology, Dawn has developed an acute insight into the intricacies of effective leadership and human dynamics.

Coaching Philosophy

As a coach, Dawn believes in the power of the individual to transform themself and adopts a personalized approach, focusing on each leader’s unique opportunities, desires, and whole self. She guides leaders to uncover the enthusiasm and momentum to do their best work without setting limits on their growth and success. She is committed to creating a safe, open, collaborative coaching environment where leaders feel empowered to explore, learn, and evolve.


A lifelong learner, Dawn holds a PhD in Behavioral Genetics from the University of Connecticut and is proud to be a recent ICF-certified PCC Level Program graduate. Her blend of practical leadership experience, including in the board room with executives, and formal coaching education forms a solid foundation for her coaching practice.

Dawn is proud to be a Pro Bono Transformation Coach for the CrowdDoing Coaching Collective:


Phone or Text:


Service Offerings and Pricing

For Individuals

Unlock Your Leadership Potential – Book a Coaching Session Now! Discover how coaching can elevate your professional journey. Click to explore my coaching style and philosophy to see if we’re a match for your aspirations. Let’s embark on a transformative path to success together.

Flexible and Streamlined Payment Options

I understand that every executive’s schedule and needs are unique. That’s why I offer versatile payment options to suit your individual preferences and ensure a seamless coaching experience.

Hybrid Payment Approach:

Secure your coaching session with a small deposit of $25.00 for a 30-minute session or $50.00 for a 1-hour session. This deposit represents your commitment to personal growth and secures your spot on my calendar. After our session, you will be billed for the remaining balance, allowing for the flexibility to accommodate sessions that may extend beyond the scheduled time. This approach ensures that you receive the full value of each session, with the ability to adjust for those profound moments when breakthroughs don’t adhere to the clock.

Pay in Full:

For those who prefer to handle payment upfront and minimize administrative tasks, I offer the option to pay in full when booking your session. This streamlined process frees you to focus entirely on your coaching journey without the need to manage payments post-session.

If a session extends beyond the scheduled time due to deeper work and discussion, additional fees may be incurred in 15-minute increments.

Both payment options are designed to respect your time and investment. Rest assured, should you need to reschedule or cancel, we have a straightforward Cancellation and Refund Policy in place. We value your commitment and strive to offer flexibility to accommodate the dynamic nature of executive schedules and responsibilities.

For more details on payment options, scheduling, and our cancellation policy, please visit our Refund and Cancellation Policies page.

Embark on your transformative coaching journey with confidence and convenience.

Unlock the Door to Transformation: Gift a Coaching Session

In a world that moves at an unprecedented pace, the gift of personal growth stands out as a beacon of meaningful change. Executive coaching offers just that—an opportunity for transformation, clarity, and the kind of growth that not only enhances careers but enriches lives.

A coaching session is more than just a present; it’s an investment in someone’s future. It’s a thoughtful way to show someone that you believe in their potential and are willing to support them in their journey towards personal and professional excellence. Whether it’s a colleague striving for the next level, a friend navigating career transitions, or a loved one looking to refine their leadership skills, a coaching session opens up a world of possibilities.

“Coaching is the universal language of change and learning.”

This profound statement captures the essence of what leadership coaching can offer. It’s about guiding individuals through self-discovery, challenging them to rethink their limitations, and empowering them to transform aspirations into reality. Coaching ignites a spark of change that can illuminate the path to one’s greatest potential.

  • A one-on-one session tailored to the recipient’s personal and professional development goals.
  • An immersive experience that focuses on actionable insights, strategic thinking, and personal empowerment.
  • A follow-up action plan, ensuring that the momentum of transformation continues beyond the session.

Choosing to gift a coaching session is a unique way to express your support for someone’s aspirations and challenges. It’s not just a gift; it’s a powerful statement that says, “I believe in you and your potential to achieve greatness.”

Let this be the year you give a gift that transcends the ordinary — open the door to transformation and personal growth for someone special in your life.

Transform today's potential into tomorrow's success.

For Organizations


An independent leadership coach serves as an objective outsider to the organization, free from the internal politics and biases that might influence internal assessments and development programs. With a fresh perspective and specialized expertise, the coach can identify underlying issues, offer new solutions, and facilitate personal and professional growth among leaders at all levels and by extension the whole organization.

  • Leadership Development Programs: Comprehensive, multi-session programs aimed at cultivating a pipeline of skilled leaders within the organization. These programs often combine workshops, seminars, and coaching sessions to cover a broad range of leadership competencies.

  • Team Building Initiatives: Programs designed to enhance collaboration, trust, and efficiency among teams. This might include group coaching sessions, team challenges, and facilitated discussions to improve team dynamics and organizational culture.

  • Organizational Strategy Retreats: Facilitated retreats for executive teams or boards to focus on strategic planning, vision setting, and aligning leadership efforts with organizational goals. These retreats offer a valuable space for reflection, planning, and collective growth.

  • Leadership Development Programs: Comprehensive programs designed to cultivate high-potential employees into future leaders, addressing skills from decision-making to strategic planning. These programs can span several months and include a mix of workshops, seminars, and individual coaching sessions.

  • Team Building and Dynamics: Initiatives aimed at improving communication, collaboration, and cohesion within and across teams. The coach can facilitate retreats, group coaching sessions, and conflict resolution workshops to enhance team performance and organizational culture.

  • Organizational Change Management: Guidance and strategies for navigating through significant organizational changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, or strategic pivots. The coach helps leaders manage transitions smoothly, maintain employee engagement, and align new practices with organizational goals.

  • Executive Retreats: Designed for top-tier management, these retreats offer a chance to step back from daily operations and engage in strategic planning, reflection, and professional growth activities in a conducive environment.

  • Mentorship Programs: Development of mentorship structures that pair seasoned leaders with emerging talents, facilitating knowledge transfer, and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

  • Culture Transformation Initiatives: Working with leadership to instill desired cultural attributes across the organization, from inclusivity and innovation to accountability and agility.

An independent leadership coach offers several key benefits:

  • Objective Insights: As an external party, the coach can offer unbiased feedback and observations that might be overlooked internally.

  • Expertise and Experience: With a background in coaching leaders across various industries, the coach brings proven strategies and fresh ideas to the table.

  • Accountability and Support: Coaches hold leaders accountable for their development goals while providing support and encouragement along the way.

  • Confidentiality: Leaders can discuss issues and concerns openly, knowing their conversations are private and secure.

In conclusion, an external, independent leadership coach provides a versatile and impactful resource for large organizations, offering both small-scale and large-scale interventions tailored to enhance leadership capabilities, improve team dynamics, and foster an environment conducive to growth and innovation.

For Groups

  • Customized Solutions: An external coach provides tailored coaching and development programs that specifically address the unique challenges and goals of the organization.

  • Objective Perspective: As an outsider, the coach offers unbiased insights and fresh ideas that can challenge the status quo and encourage innovative thinking.

  • Enhanced Leadership Skills: Through targeted coaching and development initiatives, leaders can enhance their skills, leading to improved decision-making, team management, and strategic execution.

  • Improved Team Dynamics: Coaching interventions can significantly improve how teams communicate, collaborate, and resolve conflicts, leading to a more cohesive and productive organizational environment.

  • Strategic Alignment: Leadership coaches can help align the efforts of individual leaders and teams with the broader objectives of the organization, ensuring everyone is working towards a common vision.
  • Individual Leadership Coaching: Tailored coaching sessions for individual leaders or key members, focusing on personal growth, leadership skills enhancement, and addressing specific challenges. This one-on-one approach allows for deep personal development and actionable feedback.

  • Focused Workshops: Specialized workshops addressing common challenges or goals within the organization, such as effective communication, conflict resolution, or strategic planning. These are designed for small groups to ensure interactive participation and personalized learning experiences.

  • Skills Assessments and Feedback: Dawn can offer valuable insights into each leader’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This can include personality assessments and leadership style evaluations.
  • Leadership Development Programs: Comprehensive, multi-session programs aimed at cultivating a pipeline of skilled leaders within the organization. These programs often combine workshops, seminars, and coaching sessions to cover a broad range of leadership competencies.

  • Team Building Initiatives: Programs designed to enhance collaboration, trust, and efficiency among teams. This might include group coaching sessions, team challenges, and facilitated discussions to improve team dynamics and organizational culture.

  • Organizational Strategy Retreats: Facilitated retreats for executive teams or boards to focus on strategic planning, vision setting, and aligning leadership efforts with organizational goals. These retreats offer a valuable space for reflection, planning, and collective growth.
  • Mentorship Program Development: Assistance in establishing or enhancing mentorship programs that pair experienced leaders with emerging talents within the organization. This fosters a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing.

  • Culture Transformation Consulting: Strategic guidance on cultivating desired cultural attributes across the organization, such as innovation, inclusivity, and agility. This can involve assessing the current culture, identifying areas for change, and implementing targeted interventions.

  • Change Management Coaching: Support for leaders and teams through significant organizational changes, ensuring that transitions are managed effectively and that the organization remains resilient and adaptive.

By leveraging the expertise of an external, independent leadership coach, groups can enhance their leadership capabilities, navigate challenges more effectively, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and success.


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Executive Coaching & Development Inquiry Form

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Contact Information

Submission Instructions:

Please fill out this form with as much detail as possible to help us understand your needs and how we can best support your organization's development goals.

Objectives & Goals:

Target Audience:

Estimated number of participants

Preferred Timing:

Current Challenges:

Previous Experience:

Budget Information:

Decision-Making Process:

Additional Comments:

Organizational Training Needs Assessment

Contact Information

Service Interest:

Submission Instructions:

Please fill out this form with as much detail as possible to help us understand your needs and how we can best support your organization's development goals.

Objectives & Goals:

Target Audience:

Estimated number of participants

Preferred Timing:

Current Challenges:

Previous Experience:

Budget Information:

Decision-Making Process:

Additional Comments:

Contact Information

Submission Instructions:

Please fill out this form with as much detail as possible to help us understand your needs and how we can best support your organization's development goals.

Objectives & Goals:

Brief description of what the organization aims to achieve through these services (e.g., leadership skills improvement, team cohesion, succession planning).

Target Audience:

Who will be participating? (e.g., Executives, Mid-level Managers, Emerging Leaders)

Preferred Timing:

When do you wish to start the program? (Specific dates/quarters or as soon as possible), Desired length or duration of the program

Current Challenges:

Brief description of any specific challenges the organization is facing that the coaching or training is intended to address.

Previous Experience:

Has the organization engaged in similar coaching or training programs before? If yes, please share what you liked or disliked about past experiences.

Budget Information:

Is there a budget range already established for these services? (This can help tailor the proposal to fit financial constraints.)

Decision-Making Process:

Who will be involved in the decision-making process for selecting a service provider?, What is the timeline for making a decision?

Additional Comments:

Space for any other information the client wishes to share or specific questions they have.

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