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I liked how from when she was 14 she had a dream of being a engineer. I think that concept of not being afraid to step up and do what you love even if you might get called names is really cool.

I liked how she was descriptive and how she explained the issues that she had previously had being the only female engineer, but how she then came out of her shell and she thrived in a way, where she never would have if she stayed as her untrue self-inside of her shell.

I liked the way Charlotte embodied the strengths and skills she shared with us: persistence, resilience, integrity. She was able to come back from setbacks and was fine moving between companies without particular attachments, which I respected. I'm not sure if I could do that. While this may be cliche, she didn't give up, and in the end, that paid off for her.

I liked how Kimberly was able to work past having ADD and scoliosis that limited her movement. She is very persuasive and encourages moving forwards in the most positive way possible. Kimberly also explains how to keep animals safe on beaches, which I think can make a huge difference in the actions of people.

I liked the way the author described her experiences moving to the Netherlands, especially after 9/11. I felt like it added something to the story and made it more realistic and present.

I really loved when she left China to live in a new country she was scared but didn't show it. She succeeded in learning a new language quite quickly and that gives me hope for stepping out of the box and trying new things.

The story showed me that you don't have to be good at everything to succeed in life. You just have to have enough courage and dedication to a cause.

I really liked the author's voice throughout the chapter: it was encouraging and inspiring, but also very realistic in how she described her experiences and how she got into STEM in the first place. The Miss Massachusetts story at the end was also a nice touch, and while not crucial to the chapter, it definitely made the author's journey more interesting and relatable.

What I enjoyed most about this story was that the theme was extremely motivational to get out in the world and do whatever you feel is right for you. It was also just the right length and really grabbed me as a reader. Lastly, I enjoyed the pictures!

I liked the quotes because they are inspiring. The story itself was very much her story, not anyone else's, and that was wonderful as I was reading it.

I really liked how motivational this piece was. it was very inspiring because all of these women did not let other people's thoughts get in their way. That's why I thought that the piece that I read was very motivational.

What I liked most about this story is it shows what her life really was and that she doesn't romanticize her life to be something it wasn't. Because of this, I could relate more from being pushed out to go hiking, to doing homework, it also makes it more unique.

This piece was very inspiring and it makes me want to step out of the box and try something new.

When I was reading Sandy Jo's story, I felt I was right along with her watching all of the struggles she faced but then seeing her overcome them with dignity and integrity. This story has encouraged me to stand up to people who tell me I can't do something because of my gender. It also taught me that in general, anything that stands in my way, I can overcome with courage and hope.

I think that this collection of stories about strong women is going to be fantastic!

This piece was very inspiring and it makes me want to step out of the box and try something new.

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